Saturday, August 28, 2010

Making money, 101

It never might have occurred to you, but all those "useless" items you happen to own, that are just lying around in your garage might actually be worth quite a bit. To the right people of course. I read about ebaying antiquitys and thought hell, why not, I'll give it a try. Turns out the old silverware I found lying dormant in the old cabinet wasn't that worthless after all and I made a whopping $200 selling it online. So as the generous guy I am, I thought I'd share the article with you guys.

Quoting from, part of the blog entry:

  • Make Money On Ebay - There are many ways to make money with eBay. It seems that the 2 most popular ways are either by going to Garage Sales or Estate Sales and buying stuff to resell. You can make some decent money this way. Back in 2001 I did this same thing for several months and I made around 1-1600 per month. But it was long hard work making all those auctions or driving around looking for deals at Garage sales. Another way that is becoming more and more popular is people starting their own online stores with the help of eBay. ProStores is an ebay company that offers several packages for you to start your online store. They do a lot of the work of getting set up for you. If this sounds interesting, give them a test drive. One Month Free Trial! ProStores – an eBay Company

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the tips - you make a very good point!

    Follow'd for future advice ;]
